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Art-Making Workshop
A Recreation of Artist Tattfoo Tan’s Project ‘’Eat Draw Play’’

R. House (301 W 29th St, Baltimore, MD 21211)
March 17, 2018, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm 
March 24, 2018, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm


The second public program was a pair of artmaking workshops recreating New York artist Tattfoo Tan’s project Eat Draw Play, held at R. House (301 W 29th St, Baltimore, MD 21211) on March 17 & 24, 2018. The original Eat Draw Play examines college students’ eating habit and disorder, while this time we transformed it into a more playful and creative art activity in order to encourage people to participate. The food community at R. House were invited to draw what they eat in a day or what they want to eat on while plates, and we gave participants a treat bag with the exhibition information card inside. Their art was presented in the April Social Ingredients exhibition, and by participating the workshop they became one of the ‘’artists’’ of an art exhibition. In total, over 60 plates were collected from the food customers at R. House and the workshop became the most successful community engagement in the project.


Tattfoo Tan is an artist who collaborates with the public on issues relating to ecology, sustainability and healthy living. His work is project-based, ephemeral and educational in nature.


See the original project


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